Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Artist Lecture: Henrieke Strecker

Henrieke was incredible to listen to and get lost in her stories pertaining to why she creates the photographs she does. Photography is so much more than just pointing the camera and pressing a button. It is less about documenting a moment, but giving account to the small movements in life and experiencing the meditation of waiting. She focused not so much on the processes of creating her photographs, but her philosophies, spiritual beliefs, and life experiences. This was refreshing to hear, because so many artists get so fixated on the technical aspects of their work, when to me personally the emotions being evoked by the audience and the artists ideas and passion for their work means so much more. She allowed me to reflect on my work and really think about what it was i'm trying to say. In her early work, she said she was doing a lot of self portraiture and her mother made a comment about how she only took photos of herself. Her response was that she was trying to discover herself through these photographs. I was able to relate to this as most artists can, but I have been doing many self portraits recently and still don't know what they mean to me. 
Henrieke talked about what is essential in life, to use your intuition, and to let time flow through the camera as it does through oneself. I believe in each one of those comments, mainly for the reason that they all relate to how we live our lives and go through every day. She made a statement that there is no difference between life and art. This couldn't have hit me any harder. My art helps me to make sense of my life, as well as making sense of other artists lives. It allows me to open up my mind and body and embrace the aspects of life I most love. This artist lecture with Strecker became more about the philosophical, spiritual, and experimental qualities that are embedded in art for me. While I admired her physical work, I more deeply admired the language of her work and the way she spoke of it.

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