Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Persona work in progress critic

In the responses I received from the class I was very happy with the feedback,and was helped to realize a few improvements I can make in these photographs. I was suggested to move the position of the camera in order to view my form from different angels. I think this will help give the photos more variety as well as create more ways of expressing my body and movement. Many asked why I did my photos in black and white, opposed to color. Honestly, I just prefer black and white photography over color, but will be interested to try and see how they look in color. I think the reason I prefer black and white is because in B&W for me, there is more focus on the subject and emotion in the photography instead of the colors of the subject and background. The last recommendation I noticed from a few people was to try taking the photos in a different location to give more variety in the setting. Different settings will definitely be something I try more of, but these photos were taken in my bedroom, which is the environment I planned for them to be in. I plan on shooting more in different areas in my bedroom. Overall I'm still working out the kinks in this project, I had done a set of self-portraits last fall which embody the same kind of awkward, playful, seriousness and I'm continuing shooting to try and figure them out myself. I'm a pretty outgoing person, but still have my own self-concious qualities that I think about. Hearing back these responses from the class really helped me to start realizing the meaning behind my own self-portrait photos.

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